與亞述王西拿基立 (Sennacherib) 相關的考古學證據 (Aaron Chow)

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亞述帝國的考古發現中,找到一些名為史冊的石柱,記載了不同皇帝的事蹟。西拿基立史冊(Sennacherib’s Annals) 是三條六角柱體的石碑,上面記載了亞述西拿基立在公元前704-681年的軍事事蹟,分別名為 Taylor Prism, Oriental Institute Prism 及 Jerusalem Prism。 這三塊石碑所記載關於亞述西拿基立的事蹟幾乎是一樣。

Taylor Prism,收藏在英國大英博物館 (Photo : David Castor/Wikipedia/Public Domain)
Oriental Institute Prism,收藏在芝加哥大學的東方研究所博物館 (Photo : Daderot/Wikipedia/CC0)
Jerusalem Prism,收藏在耶路撒冷的以色列博物館 (Photo : Hanay/Wikipedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0)



“In my first campaign, I accomplished the defeat of Merodach-Baladan, king of Babylonia, together with the army of Elam, his ally in the plain of Kish.”[2] 

這裡記載了亞述西拿基立打敗了巴比倫王 Merodach-Baladan,這個巴比倫王在聖經《列王記下20:12》都有記載他的事蹟:

那時,巴拉但的兒子,巴比倫王米羅達‧巴拉但 (Merodach-Baladan)聽見希西家生病了,就送書信和禮物給他。希西家聽使者的話,就將自己一切寶庫裏的金子、銀子、香料、貴重的膏油和他軍械庫裏的兵器,以及他所有的財寶,都給他們看;在他家中和全國之內,希西家沒有一樣東西不給他們看的。

列王紀下 20:12-13




亞述西拿基立對研讀聖經的人來說,最令人記得的就是他在公元前 701年圍堵耶路撒冷,強逼猶大希西家投降的事蹟:

they offered battle. With the aid of Assur, my lord, I fought with them and brought about their defeat. The Egyptian charioteers and princes, together with the Ethiopian king’s charioteers, my hands captured alive in the midst of the battle. Eltekeh and Timnah I besieged, I captured, and I took away their spoil. I approached Ekron and slew the governors and nobles who had rebelled, and hung their bodies on stakes around the city. The inhabitants who rebelled and treated (Assyria) lightly I counted as spoil. The rest of them, who were not guilty of rebellion and contempt, for whom there was no punishment, I declared their pardon. Padi, their king, I brought out to Jerusalem, set him on the royal throne over them, and imposed upon him my royal tribute. As for Hezekiah the Judahite, who did not submit to my yoke: forty-six of his strong, walled cities, as well as the small towns in their area, which were without number, by levelling with battering-rams and by bringing up seige-engines, and by attacking and storming on foot, by mines, tunnels, and breeches, I besieged and took them. 200,150 people, great and small, male and female, horses, mules, asses, camels, cattle and sheep without number, I brought away from them and counted as spoil. (Hezekiah) himself, like a caged bird I shut up in Jerusalem, his royal city [3]




列王紀下 18:13-16



列王紀下 19:35-36



The Esarhaddon Prism 以撒哈頓史冊 (Photo : The British Museum / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)


列王紀下 19:37

《聖經》明確記載了亞述西拿基立是被他的兩個兒子用刀殺了,然後他們逃到亞拉臘地;另外一個兒子以撒‧哈頓接續他作王。《列王紀下 19:37》這個細節,在亞述以撒哈頓史冊中就找到了,可見《聖經》是絕對符合歷史記載的文獻。

 Inscription translation : 

(1) Palace of Esarhaddon, the great king, the powerful king,

(2) king of the universe, king of Assyria, regent of Babylon,

(3) king of Shumer and Akkad, king of the four regions :

(4) the legitimate ruler, the favourite of the great gods,

(5) whose name from his youth up Ashur, Shamash, Bel and Nabu,

(6) Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela,

(7) for the kingship of Assyria had proclaimed.

(8) Of my elder brothers their younger brother was I;

(9) (but) by the command of Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, and Nabu,

(10) Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela, (my) father who begat me

(11) exalted me in all due right amid all my brothers, and

(12) thus (he spake): “Is this the son of my succession ? ”

(13) asking Shamash and Adad by oracle, and with a true affirmative

(14) they answered him thus : “He is thy second self (?).”

(15) Their solemn utterance he respected and the people of Assyria, small and great,

(16) my brothers, of the name of my father’s house together he assembled :

(17) before Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Nabu, Marduk, the gods of Assyria,

(18) the gods dwelling in heaven and earth, with regard to the securing of my legitimate succession,

(19) he made them repeat their solemn utterance.

(20) In a propitious month, on a favourable day, according to their exalted command,

(21) into the House of Succession, the place of awe, wherein

(22) is destiny of royalty, joyfully I entered and

(23) the true fact of (my) succession was brought home to my brothers, and

(24) the (way) of the gods they abandoned and to their own violent deeds

(25) trusted, plotting evil,

(26) evil tongue, lying slander, against the will of the gods,

(27) they set afoot against me and (with) unholy disloyalty

(28) behind my back they planned rebellion with each other.

(29) (Any) who interpreted my father’s wish, against the (intent of the) gods they made him angry against me;

(30) (any) who was deep of heart, him they treated kindly,

(31) his eyes (i.e. apparent intent) being set as though to sustain my royalty.

(32) I communed in my heart and pondered in my soul

(33) thus : ” Their works—are they violent and to their own wit

(34) do they trust, and is it evil against the gods that they will do ? “

(35) Ashur, the merciful king of the gods (and) Marduk, to whom
iniquity is an abomination—

(36) with supplication, lamentation and prostration

(37) I implored them, and they accepted my prayers :

(38) according to the wisdom of the great gods, my lords, in the face of evil doings

(39) they let medwell in a secret, place, their kindly aegis

(40) over me they spread and safeguarded me for the royalty.

(41) Thereafter my brothers went mad and whatever was wicked

(42) against gods and men they did, and plotted evil:

(43) they drew the sword in the midst of Nineveh godlessly :

(44) to exercise the kingship against each other they rushed like young steers.

(45) Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabu, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela,

(46) the doings of the scoundrels which had been wrought against the will of the gods

(47) saw with displeasure and helped them not:

(48) they brought their strength to weakness and

(49) humbled them beneath me.

(50) The people of Assyria who the covenants by the oath of the great gods

(51) had sworn with water and oil to guard my royalty,

(52) went not to their aid.

(53) I, Esarhaddon, who by the help of the great gods, his lords,

(54) hath not turned his back in the midst of battle,

(55) soon heard of their wicked doings, and,

(56) crying ” Woe ! ” rent my princely robe and

(57) uttered lamentation. Like a lion I roared and my spirit was stirred.

(58) To carry on the royal rule of my father’s house I clapped my hands ;

(59) to Ashur, Sin, Shamash, Bel, Nabu, and Nergal, Ishtar of Nineveh, Ishtar of Arbela,

(60) I raised my hands, and they received my prayer with favour: with their true ” yea ”

(61) they sent a helpful oracle thus : ” Go, stay not:

(62) We will march at thy side and destroy thine enemies.”

(63) One day, two days I waited not, the van of my army I did not inspect,

(64) nor saw the rearguard; nor did I consider the trappings of the horses, the harnessing of the yokes,

(65) nor the furniture of battle, nor issue provisions for my campaign.

(66) I feared not the snow (or) cold of Sebat, the rigorous frost,

(67) Like the flying …(?)

(68) to overwhelm my enemies I spread my forces.

(69) The road to Nineveh with difficulty and in all haste I took.

(70) In front of me in the land of Hanigalbe all their stout warriors

(71) taking post in front of my expedition, sharpened their weapons.

(72) The fear of the great gods, my lords, overwhelmed them and

(73) they saw the fierce front of my array, and became as though possessed :

(74) Ishtar, the lady of war and battle, who loveth my priesthood,

(75) took her stand at my side and shattered their bows,

(76) broke up their well-knit battle array and

(77) amid themselves they spake thus : ” This is our king.”

(78) By her supreme command they returned to my side, coming after me.

(79) Weak as young lambs they besought my lordship.

(80) The people of Assyria who had sworn agreements by the name of the great gods before me

(81) came into my presence and kissed my feet,

(82) while, as for those scoundrels who were making rebellion and revolt,

(83) they heard of the march of my expedition and deserted the troops who were helping them, and

(84) fled to an unknown land. I reached the river wall of the Tigris and

(85) by command of Sin (and) Shamash the gods, the lord(s) of the river wall,

(86) I made the whole of my troops leap the broad Tigris as though it were a ditch.

(87) In Adar, a favourable month, on the eighth day, the festival of Nabu, (translation after Campbell Thompson 1931)[4]





[1] 列王記下18:13, 19:16, 19:20, 19:36;歷代志下32:1, 32:2, 32:9, 32:10, 32:16, 32:17, 32:22;以賽亞書36:1, 37:17, 37:21, 37:37

[2] Column 1:20-22 https://bibledudes.com/biblical-studies/finds/prism-translation.ph 

[3] Column 3:1-28 https://bibledudes.com/biblical-studies/finds/prism-translation.php

[4] Column 1, https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/object/W_1929-1012-1

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